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Take Flight with the Paper Plane: A Boozy & Balanced Delight

Wed, Mar 20, 24  |  bourbon cocktails

The Paper Plane soars among whiskey cocktails, offering a delightful balance of sweet, sour, bitter, and boozy flavors. This recipe is a modern classic, featuring a perfect interplay between bourbon, Aperol (an Italian bitter orange apéritif), Amaro Nonino (a bittersweet Italian liqueur), and fresh lemon juice.


  • 3/4 ounce bourbon (preferably a wheated bourbon for smoothness)
  • 3/4 ounce Aperol
  • 3/4 ounce Amaro Nonino (or another Amaro like Montenegro)
  • 3/4 ounce freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • Garnish: Lemon twist (optional)

Instructions (Preparation Time: 2 minutes):

  1. Gather Your Gear: Grab a cocktail shaker filled with ice, a jigger (for measuring), and a coupe glass.

  2. Combine and Shake: Add the bourbon, Aperol, Amaro Nonino, and lemon juice to your shaker with ice. Shake vigorously for 15-20 seconds to ensure all ingredients are well chilled and combined.

  3. Strain and Serve: Strain the vibrant orange-hued cocktail into your chilled coupe glass.

  4. Citrusy Touch (Optional): Express the oils from a lemon twist over the drink by gently squeezing it and discard the twist or add it to the glass for garnish.


  • Bourbon Selection: While any bourbon will work, opting for a wheated bourbon like Maker's Mark or Weller Special Reserve can create a smoother drinking experience.

  • Amaro Options: Amaro Nonino is ideal, but if unavailable, substitute with another Amaro like Montenegro or Cynar. Each Amaro offers a slightly different flavor profile, so explore and find your favorite!

  • Fresh is Best: Always use freshly squeezed lemon juice for the optimal balance of tartness and brightness.

  • Sweetness Adjustment: The Aperol adds a hint of sweetness, but if you prefer a drier drink, you can use a slightly lesser amount.

  • Batching for Convenience: This recipe scales well for gatherings. Simply multiply the ingredients and prepare them in a pitcher. Store the concoction in the refrigerator for up to a day before serving.

Enjoy Responsibly!

The Paper Plane is a delightful and complex cocktail that's perfect for adventurous palates. With its balanced blend of sweet, sour, bitter, and boozy flavors, it's a guaranteed crowd-pleaser. So gather your friends, raise a glass, and take flight with this exciting whiskey creation!

By delanceywinenyc@gmail.com

Tags: paper plane cocktail paper plane cocktail recipe