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Mezcal Negroni Cocktail Recipe

Tue, Jul 23, 24  |  mezcal cocktail
The Mezcal Negroni is a delightful variation of the classic Negroni cocktail, replacing gin with smoky mezcal. Here's how you can make it:


  • 1 oz Mezcal
  • 1 oz Campari
  • 1 oz Sweet Vermouth
  • Orange twist or slice, for garnish


  1. Fill a mixing glass or cocktail shaker with ice.
  2. Pour in the Mezcal, Campari, and Sweet Vermouth.
  3. Stir well until the mixture is well-chilled, about 30 seconds.
  4. Strain the cocktail into a rocks glass filled with ice (if preferred) or into a chilled coupe glass.
  5. Garnish with an orange twist or slice.
  6. Serve and enjoy your Mezcal Negroni!

This cocktail maintains the characteristic bitterness of a Negroni while adding a smoky complexity from the mezcal. Adjust the sweetness to your taste by varying the amount of sweet vermouth. Cheers!

By delanceywinenyc@gmail.com

Tags: mezcal negroni