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Unveiling the Harmony: A Recipe for the Division Bell Cocktail

Thu, Feb 29, 24  |  mezcal cocktails

Named after the Pink Floyd album of the same name, the Division Bell cocktail is a harmonious blend of smoky mezcal, refreshing citrus, and sweet maraschino liqueur. This well-balanced concoction offers a unique and complex flavor profile, making it a favorite among discerning cocktail enthusiasts.


  • 1 ounce mezcal (preferably Del Maguey Vida)
  • ¾ ounce Aperol (bitter orange Italian aperitif)
  • ½ ounce maraschino liqueur (preferably Luxardo)
  • ¾ ounce fresh lime juice
  • Grapefruit twist, for garnish


  1. Chill the Glass: Begin by chilling your coupe or martini glass. Fill the glass with ice and let it sit for a few minutes. Discard the ice before adding the ingredients.

  2. Combine the Spirits: In a separate mixing glass, combine the mezcal, Aperol, maraschino liqueur, and fresh lime juice.

  3. Stir and Strain: Fill the mixing glass with ice and stir gently for about 30 seconds, or until the drink is well chilled and diluted. Strain the cocktail into the chilled coupe or martini glass.

  4. Garnish and Enjoy: Express the oils from the grapefruit twist by gently squeezing it over the drink and then dropping it into the glass for garnish.

Tips and Variations:

Mezcal Magic: Opt for a mezcal that offers a smoky yet smooth flavor profile, such as Del Maguey Vida. Explore different mezcals to discover your personal preference.

Fresh Citrus is Key: Using freshly squeezed lime juice is crucial for the best flavor. Bottled lime juice can lack the same vibrancy and depth of flavor.

Sweetness Tweak: If you prefer a sweeter drink, add a ¼ ounce additional maraschino liqueur. Start with less and adjust to your taste.

Garnish Alternatives: Don't have grapefruit? A lime twist or a sprig of fresh mint can also add a touch of visual appeal.

Batching: To make a larger batch for a party, simply multiply the recipe proportionally and stir everything in a pitcher with ice. Strain individual servings into chilled glasses.

Understanding the Balance:

The Division Bell showcases a beautiful interplay between sweet, sour, and smoky elements. The bitter orange notes of Aperol balance the smokiness of the mezcal, while the maraschino liqueur adds a touch of sweetness. The fresh lime juice provides a necessary acidity, rounding out the flavor profile.

A Note on Mezcal:

Mezcal is a smoky spirit similar to tequila, but it's made from various types of agave plants and produced using traditional methods. The smokiness comes from the roasting process of the agave hearts in underground pits lined with wood or other organic materials.

With its unique flavor profile and complex layers, the Division Bell is a cocktail that begs to be savored. So, gather your friends, raise a glass, and experience the harmonious blend of this intriguing concoction.

By delanceywinenyc@gmail.com

Tags: division bell cocktail division bell cocktail recipe