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Brandy Cobbler Cocktail

Wed, May 29, 24  |  brandy cocktails

The Brandy Cobbler is a refreshing and classic cocktail perfect for warmer weather.  It features brandy as the base spirit and is lighter than many brandy cocktails due to the generous use of ice and soda water. Here's what you'll need to make one:


  • 2-3 ounces brandy (adjust to your preferred strength)
  • 1/2 to 1 ounce simple syrup (or sugar to taste)
  • Club soda, to top
  • Garnish: orange slice, lemon slice, or seasonal fruits (berries work well!)
  • Optional garnish: cherry


  1. Make sure your fruits are washed and sliced for garnish.
  2. Use a tall glass or rocks glass and fill it with crushed ice.
  3. Pour your brandy of choice over the ice. Then add simple syrup or sugar to taste.
  4. Gently top the drink with club soda, leaving some room for mixing.
  5. Give the drink a quick stir to combine everything. Garnish with your chosen fruit slices and optionally a cherry.


  • Feel free to adjust the amount of brandy and simple syrup to your taste preference.
  • Experiment with different fruits for garnishes. Muddle them slightly before adding them to the drink for an extra pop of flavor.
  • For a richer flavor, use brown sugar syrup instead of simple syrup.
  • If you don't have simple syrup, you can make a quick substitute by dissolving 2 tablespoons of sugar in 2 tablespoons of hot water. Let it cool completely before using.

By delanceywinenyc@gmail.com

Tags: brandy cobbler cocktail brandy cobbler cocktail recipe